Saturday, March 27, 2010

My Day at Book Fair

Hye!!! Yes, I went to THAT book fair (pesta buku) there was a hook of a lot of people... There was a contest, i think, going on, students from primary school telling stories. Its like story telling competition. seeing how brave they are, I remembered how timid i was, and still now. =)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Liar Ga,e Season 1

Currently Im watching Liar Game Season 1.. And definitely, more cute pics of Shinichi Akyama!! I think he's more serious in season 2, and in the first one, he's more playful. unlike the second one which, he's more unpredictable.

You might want to ask me which one is my fav... HAAAH defnitely the second last!! *blink blink* (wh...) HAHAH well well he's cute from some angle rite.. hhiihihi ok will be taking more pics!

There is one scene, where I cant stop laughing. In the second round, they have to play minority rule. a question will be asked, and they have to vote yes or no. however this is different from usual voting because the majority should win, but in this game, minority will proceed to next stage until one or two player were left when there was impossible already to vote. Akiyama asked Nao to watch everyone and to tell him if something's strange. The question was,
"Vetween S and M, definitely S,"
it means for thos who answer Yes, means they are S, and no fro M. S stands for Sadism and Mstand for Masochism. (strange) yup.
"Er, Akiyama san," Naochan called from behind.
"What, you notice anything strange?"
"What is S and M?"
Dang! The music was so funny.!!!"
"Ma....(means Aaa....)"

"Well it means something like defense and offense. like s for strike and m for maintain like that,"
"Oh, o according to myself Im m right?" quite loud actually.
"Oh. ok sorry, we promise that I would vote for Y right?"
"Er, actually, I think it would be better if we keep this silent,"
"Ok, ok, I understand,"
Definitely Akiyama know that that was embarassing thats y he doesnt want to talk about it, and Nao chan thought it was because they made an alliance with others.
"Never mind, Id take yes and you, no," -Akiyama-

Oh yes and before that a contestant ask if
"Nao, are you, Mr Akiyama's..."
"No! No, no!,"
"Ok, ok, no need to defend so whole-heartedly," with a smirk.
Poor Nao-san.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Main Characters In Liar Game Season 2

Nao Kanzaki

These four are pics of Shinichi Akiyama.. =)

This one I took from a web... He's Matsuda Shota, acting as Sojiro in Hana Yori Dango. Now I know!

Yokkata!!!! Liar Game Season 2

Hi!! Meeting again my beloved internet!!! (....?...) I have left this blog since Chinese New Year, and yet I have a lot of stories. Well not really, but honttouni, MAMA 2009 was on air at 8tv!! That was amazing and stunning!! Seriously, right, MAMA was just months before and 8TV already got it on air!! WOW!!! Well thats for it. And I now like new songs, well almost all existed. The most current is 2PM Follow Your Soul, Im Really Hurt T-Ara, Beast's ALL new songs, and Run Devil Run by SNSD. Oh seriously, talking about Beast right, or B2st, either one, (ok, ok we get it...)ALL their songs are great!!! Although they are quite new in the industry,well not as new as D-NA tho, but I really fancy their songs!! Their old songs, Bad Girl, Mystery, Yet, Oasis, I like them all!! Except Crazy, dont know why but im not really into it. And their brand new songs, Shock, Just Before Shock, Take Care of My Girlfriend, Easy and Special. I like TCMG the best. (Yeah we know the title is too long thats y u shorten it and never mind we know you're laz-) and so, because the song is very sad, but the beat and everything is very cool and touches my heart.. HAHAHAHH

And now, Im crazy over this jpop drama, Liar Game Season 2, I had no chance of watching the first one so I just move to the second. They said the Final Stage is going to be on air early this month but still nobody uploaded it yet huhu. Anyway the storyline goes this way-by the way I told u I have many things to tell so yeah- bear me please...

It was about this Nao Kanzaki and Akiyama. They were allies in the first season of Liar Game. Luckily they escaped safe, I think- (WAIT!!!! What's this Liar Game!!! Explain it you-) no cursing please huhu ok ok gomen, gomen... Liar Game is like- there are people who has been picked to participate in this game, with-I dont know how many rounds, sorry =)- and they were lent 100 million yen. they had to win the game in order to secure their money, and of course-its Liar Game- you would swindle extra money from your opponent. So the losing party will have to bear the burden of paying back the total of 100 million. So thats how Liar Game, witty, witchy and...cunning and bad. Hahaha apparently the Liar Game T-something, LGT had mistaken, or purposely picked Nao Kanzaki, an honest, trustworthy, completely innocent to participate in this deadly game. She had trouble in her first round in First season, being swindled, she asked for Akiyama's help to swindle back the money she had lost. After the first season was finished, everyone was relieved that the game was over and that there was no way the Liar Game could be started again.

However, years later, both of them were invited to participate again in Liar Game. This was the beginning of Liar Game 2. Nao participated in order to save other victims, whereas Akiyama was determined to reveal the true owner and the mastermind of LG, and destroy him. He thought ha had met him, abut apparently the man was only one of the many people who funded the game. To cut the story short, the story ended when they won the semi-final game. All the games were fun and full of tricks, and it surely interesting to those geniuses like Akiyama. This drama bonded Akiyama and Nao again, as they strives hard for their purpose of joining the game. This drama almost get me slipped on my chair because there are times when you thought Akiyama's team will lose, however, he just know how to twist things around. you would witness a very tension and hard competition between Akiyama and Katsuragi, a woman from her past, who was and will always be his rival. Akiyama has been known to had lost once in his life, that is, to Katsuragi. Will he lose again to Katsuragi? Or will he get serious this time and beat her up like rag? ( Anyway I highly recommend this drama. hahahaha. Or yes, I like Akiyama because he's genius, tho hes not the most handsome, I like it when he says, "Uh hm.." when somebody ask him questions like,
"You mean, you have a plan?"
"You mean, we can win?"


Lets move on! Before that, let me conclude this post. Aiyoh so tired typing.

